Esfiha is one of the most beloved snacks by Brazilians.
For a late-afternoon snack, here’s the secret to the famous open cheese esfiha. Super easy to do.
Get to work and bon appetit!

Dough Ingredients

  • 1 kg of wheat flour
  • 125 grams of sugar
  • 30 grams of dry yeast
  • 125 ml of soybean oil
  • 500 ml of water
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • cornmeal to sprinkle

Stuffing Ingredients

  • 650 grams of mashed white cheese
  • 6 tablespoons unsweetened sour cream
  • 1 teaspoon chemical baking powder
  • 1 and 1/2 cup (tea) green smell

Preparation mode

  1. In a bowl, mix the flour, sugar and yeast.
  2. Add oil, water and salt.
  3. Mix until you get a homogeneous mass.
  4. Knead using a little cornmeal so that it does not stick.
  5. Let it rest.

Stuffing Preparation Method

  1. In a bowl, mix the cheese, cream, baking powder and green smell.
  2. Mix until smooth.


  1. Sprinkle a surface with cornmeal.
  2. Pre-heat the oven at 180 °.
  3. Open a ball of dough in the shape of a sfiha.
  4. Stuff with two tablespoons of seasoned cheese.
  5. Repeat the operation until you run out of dough.
  6. Place the sfihas in a greased and floured baking dish and place in the oven.
  7. Remove the sfihas from the oven when they have golden edges.

Mother’s Tips

Know that it was in Lebanon that the open esfiha appeared. They had the custom of covering the round bread they made with meat and onions.

See also rolled up. A super easy and recommended recipe!


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