The Government of Peru is involved in a corruption scandal due to an audio that was published last weekend, which shows a conversation between the Prime Minister Alberto Otárola and a woman identified as Yaziré Pinedo, whom he referred to as “love.” The official resigned from his position.
In this conversation, Otárola asks the young woman for her resume and tells her to have her cell phone on hand for when they contact her. In 2023, Pinedo obtained two contracts with the State for 53,000 soles, which in Colombian pesos would be $55,000,000, as an administrative assistant in the Ministry of Defense of that country.
Pinedowho acknowledged having been the former prime minister’s partner for a brief time, He assured that the recording was manipulated and took place in 2021 when Otárola was not yet a government official.
“I am going to submit, of course, to all the investigations, but it is going to be absolutely clear regarding the crude way in which these audios have been edited and presented to public opinion,” said Otárola.
With the resignation of Otárola, Dina Boluarte loses who was considered her right hand. The president was sworn in on the morning of this Wednesday, March 6, at the rMinister Otárola’s replacement. Is about Gustavo Adrianzén, who served as Peru’s representative to the OAS.
Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/alberto-otarola-primer-ministro-de-peru-renuncio-en-medio-de-escandalo-de-corrupcion-rg10