O The funeral of Russian opponent Alexei Navalny, who died on February 16th, will take place next Friday, March 1st, in Moscow, Russia. The information was provided by his spokesperson, Kira Yarmysh.

According to the official, Alexei’s “obsequies will take place at the Church of the Mother of God”, in the Maryino district, in the Russian capital, at 2pm local time (11am in Lisbon). The funeral will take place at the Borisovskoye cemetery.

In a note, published on the social network X (formerly Twitter), Yarmysh advised supporters to “attend in advance”.

On Tuesday, the person in charge had said that it had not yet been possible to find a space to say goodbye to Navalny, with the team having tried “all public and private funeral homes”.

“Since yesterday, we have been looking for a place where we can organize a farewell event for Alexei. We have called most public and private funeral agencies, commercial spaces and wake rooms”, he said in X.

“Some say the place is completely reserved. Others refuse to mention the surname ‘Navalny’,” he added.

Navalny’s body was returned to his mother on Saturday, after being held by Russian authorities for more than a week.

According to the prison services of the Arctic region of Yamal-Nenets, where the penal colony where Navalny was serving a 19-year prison sentence is located, “on February 16, 2024, in penitentiary center No. 3, prisoner Navalny AA felt feeling unwell after a walk”, with the causes of death being “being investigated”.

The hospital in the city of Labytnangui, close to the penal colony, said that the “doctors who arrived at the scene continued the resuscitation operations already carried out by the prison doctors” for more than 30 minutes, but the death was eventually declared at the scene.

[Notícia atualizada às 09h49]

Read Also: Navalny’s close circle has no place for tribute in Moscow

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2510749/funeral-de-navalny-realiza-se-na-sexta-feira-em-moscovo

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