Two French prison officers died this Tuesday, May 14, 2024, and three others were injured, one of them seriously. in the violent assault on a police van that was transporting a detainee who fled, local media indicated.

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The events took place around 11:00 in the morning at a motorway tollbooth in the town of Val-de-Reuil, one hour northwest of Paris, where four armed men broke into two vehicles and assaulted the convoy of two vans that were transporting to a detainee recently convicted and prosecuted for homicide.

They acted with high-caliber weapons, far superior to the hand guns that the agents had. Two of them died in the shooting and three were injured, while the inmate and the assailants fled in a vehicle.

The car was found burned a little later in a nearby area, the media reported.

The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, announced that an important perimeter has been erected to try to arrest the assailants and the prisoner, an operation in which some 200 agents participate, in addition to important aerial means such as helicopters.

“All means will be implemented to find the perpetrators of this crime”said the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, in a message on the social network

Several roads have been closed to traffic and all vehicles traveling on them are being searched by the French authorities.

According to the BFMTV television network, The detainee who escaped is a 30-year-old criminal identified as Mohamed A.sentenced last Tuesday to 18 months in prison for various robberies committed in 2019 under aggravating circumstances.

In addition, he was being prosecuted for an attempted murder committed in the vicinity of Rouen, where the escape took place, and for a voluntary homicide committed in 2022 near Marseille, within the framework of an investigation into drug trafficking.

According to the television network, he was returning to the Evreux penitentiary center, where he was serving his sentence, after having been interrogated in the morning by judges for the attempted murder near Rouen.

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