CHundreds of victims of sexual abuse during childhood, by priests or representatives of the Church, have already received financial compensation from the Catholic Church for their cases.

According to the Associated Press (AP), which cites the independent body responsible for the compensation payment program for these victims. In total, 1,351 people claimed compensation and sought psychological support in an effort to recover from childhood trauma.

Of these, 489 received approval from the authority. The maximum amount of 60 thousand euros was awarded to each of the 88 victims.

In the previous year, 358 victims saw their claims approved, each receiving, on average, compensation of 35,310 euros.

The information is contained in the annual report of the Independent National Authority for Recognition and Reparation, which said that the average age of victims who identified themselves was 61 years old.

The leader of the independent body, Marie Derain de Vaucresson, said 66% of victims were men and the remaining 34% were women.

Read Also: Abuses in the Church. Compensation proposal for victims known in April


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