A 33-year-old man was murdered in front of his house by two motorized individuals in the eastern area of ​​São Paulo, Brazil. The victim was identified as Denis Yoshio, a fitness influencer with more than 50 thousand followers on social networks.

The crime of Denis Yoshio was perpetrated on the night of Saturday March 9, 2024, when unknown individuals approached and shot him indiscriminately as he arrived home.

Videos from security cameras show two subjects on a motorcycle approaching a house, at which they shot repeatedly. The authorities found 6 projectiles at the crime scene, one of which hit near the young man’s spine.

“One of the witnesses, who was the driver of the app and a friend of the man, told police that He took Denis to the address at his request, since his car had broken down. He said that the victim went to take money inside the house and, before entering, the criminals suddenly appeared,” Brazilian media reported.

Denis Yoshio, who was known for sharing his exercise routines on social networks, was taken in a private car to the Municipal Hospital of Tatuapé, However, the severity of his injuries caused him to go into cardiac arrest from which he could not recover.

Denis Yoshio’s relatives and friends affirmed not knowing if the man had threats or enemies, For this reason, the competent authorities are advancing the investigations to clarify the athlete’s crime.

“Today God picked up my sonDenis Yoshio Feltrim, my love, prince, rest in the arms of the Lordr,” said the mother of the murdered man.

Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/el-influenciador-denis-yoshio-fue-asesinado-a-sangre-fria-al-frente-de-su-propia-casa-rg10

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