O Ukrainian President, Volodymir Zelensky, had already given the information minutes before. “A Russian missile hit a post office terminal,” wrote Volodymir Zelenski on social media, highlighting the “civilian” nature of the infrastructure hit and calling for “greater pressure” on Russia in response to its “terrorist” actions.

The Ukrainian head of state published a video showing the seriously damaged infrastructure of the private Ukrainian postal company Nova Poshta. The video shows that at least one European postal company truck was damaged in the attack.

The first death toll was announced immediately afterwards by the Kharkiv Military Administration.

“As a result of the occupants’ attack on a terminal in Nova Poshta in the Kharkiv region, six people were killed and 14 others were hospitalized with injuries,” administrator Oleg Siniegubov wrote on his Telegram account.

Some of the injured, Oleg Siniegubov added, are “in serious condition.”

Read Also: Ukrainian brothers accused of helping Russia in attack in Kharkiv

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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2424767/pelo-menos-6-mortos-em-kharkiv-num-posto-de-correios-atingido-por-missil

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