With banana or peanuts? Two oatmeal cookie recipes for you to make for your family or to sell.

Oatmeal cookie with banana


  • 2 cups (tea) of wheat flour
  • 1 cup (tea) brown sugar
  • 3 cups of oats (tea)
  • 1 cup (tea) cream
  • 4 mashed small bananas
  • Ground cloves to taste
  • Cinnamon powder to taste
  • 1 pinch of salt

Preparation Mode

  1. Preheat the oven to 180ºC.
  2. Mix all ingredients with a spoon.
  3. Place the dough in a greased pan.
  4. Shape the cookies to your liking.
  5. Bake for approximately 8 minutes.

Oatmeal cookie with peanuts


  • 1 and ½ cup (tea) wheat flour
  • 1 and ½ cups (tea) brown sugar, sifted
  • 1 cup (tea) wheat germ
  • 1 cup oats (tea)
  • 1 cup of ground peanuts
  • ¾ cup (tea) oil
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 ovo

Preparation Mode

  1. Grease baking tray and set aside.
  2. Preheat the oven to 180ºC.
  3. Mix all ingredients well.
  4. Shape the cookies and place them on the baking sheet.
  5. Bake until golden.

Mom Tips

Brown sugar can be found in light brown (less strong flavor) and dark brown.

In health food stores/stores, you can find brown sugar, wheat germ, oats, at a better price.

Approximate yield Oatmeal cookie with banana = 80 units.

Approximate yield oatmeal cookie with peanuts = 100 units.

Source: https://www.receitasdemae.com.br/receitas/biscoito-de-aveia-com-maca-e-com-banana/

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