“Tnote the announcement by two Member States – Spain and Ireland – and Norway to recognize the State of Palestine. Within the framework of common foreign and security policy, I will work tirelessly with all Member States to promote a common position in the EU based on a two-state solution,” wrote Josep Borrell on the social network X (formerly Twitter).

Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, announced today that the country will recognize the State of Palestine on May 28, next Tuesday.

Dublin and Oslo announced that they will also do so next week. Israel repudiated the decision and summoned the ambassadors of the three countries.

A source from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs told Lusa today that Portugal maintains its desire to recognize Palestine as a State, but is trying to obtain the greatest possible consensus among members of the European Union (EU).

“It’s just a matter of timing”, said the same source, recalling that Portugal has a mediator position in the EU for this issue, and is therefore “in consultations with several States to reach the greatest consensus and bring the greatest number of countries for the two-state solution: Israel and Palestine.

The ministry also highlighted that the Government’s position has already been advanced several times by the head of Portuguese diplomacy, Paulo Rangel, and follows the line of the previous executive.

In an interview given to the Spanish newspaper El Pais on the 12th, Paulo Rangel said that the Portuguese Government would not now join Spain in recognizing the sovereignty of the State of Palestine, explaining that he was waiting for “the most opportune moment to take that step” .

Read Also: Palestine hopes that recognition of its State will generate new “support”

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2566294/borrell-insiste-em-posicao-comum-na-ue-sobre-palestina

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