“VWe want to discuss how we can act in a coordinated way. Some Member States reacted by increasing support for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), they didn’t cut it, they increased it! Others said they would continue to support her but would wait and see. [as conclusões do inquérito] and others cut”, said Josep Borrell at the entrance to an informal meeting of ministers with the diplomacy portfolio, in Brussels.

Portugal was one of the EU countries that decided to support the organization with another million euros, the Portuguese Minister of Foreign Affairs, João Gomes Cravinho, announced on Friday night.

“These different approaches to a critical problem are not good for the European Union. We need a common position and I will discuss it today”, added the High Representative for Foreign Affairs.

Josep Borrell criticized Israel’s stance in the military incursion that began in October in the Gaza Strip, for directing the Palestinian population to supposedly safe areas, but indiscriminately bombing the territory.

Germany and France are among the EU countries that have announced the suspension of contributions to UNRWA.

At issue are allegations made by Israel that employees of that United Nations agency participated in the attack on October 7, perpetrated by the Islamist movement Hamas.

On Friday, João Gomes Cravinho said that Portugal decided to increase contributions due to the importance that the agency has for the Palestinian population and because it is an organization that has more than 13,000 employees, calling for the separation of “the wheat and the chaff”.

The Portuguese minister said he would address the matter at today’s informal meeting.

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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2494655/borrell-quer-posicao-comum-dos-paises-da-ue-sobre-apoio-a-onu-na-palestina

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