In the 21st century, No one can imagine living completely disconnected, without a smartphone and without email. According to the German Federal Statistical Office, 3,000,000 people in that country do it.

Not only are they older people, two and a half million of those who are not online are young people.

The ringing of Benno’s cell phone does not go unnoticed. “When I’m anywhere and my Nokia phone starts ringing, “most people laugh,” noted Benno Flücel, a German without a smartphone.

The experience is almost nostalgic. Benno is 32 years old and lives in Berlin disconnected. It does not have WhatsApp Waze, social networks or other applications.

This man doesn’t have bank accounts either., decided to print a QR code where transfers can be made. However, he admits that getting money is complicated.

It may seem strange, but disconnection is difficult, as explained by Dr. Stephan Humer, a sociologist interested in this new trend. “You have to pay a higher price, so there is no easy access to the bank. For example, you have to go to a branch or do it by phone call. It is more effort and money,” she commented.

At home there is a computer with internet, but when he goes out, Benno remains disconnected. That’s why, He writes down the addresses he has to go to and figures out for himself how to get there.

But the world no longer provides as many tools for that. A journalist from the German channel RTL, He tried to get a physical map at a service station to get around without technological support.

“The man at the gas station told me that they don’t sell that kind of thing anymore. Nobody bought them there because they had cell phones,” said María Hohn, an RTL journalist.

Surprisingly, more and more people decide to disconnect. It is difficult at first, but they say that then they have more time for their tasks and hobbies, time to live and life itself becomes slower and more relaxing again.


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