This is a delicious and elegant dessert that you can serve on special occasions.


  • 200 grams of semisweet chocolate
  • 100 grams of white chocolate
  • Mini rubber balloons (balloons)
  • Fruits: strawberry, kiwi, blueberry, …

Preparation Mode

  1. Line a large, flat tray with parchment paper.
  2. Melt the two chocolates separately and temper them.
  3. Blow up the balloons to the size of a papaya. Tie them in a knot.
  4. Dip the base of each balloon into each of the chocolates to form tulip petals, alternating the chocolates to achieve a blended effect.
  5. Make sure there are no holes between the petals.
  6. Place on a tray and refrigerate.
  7. When you notice that the chocolate is firm and dry, remove it from the refrigerator.
  8. Cut the balloon knot so that it can come loose from the chocolate.
  9. Fill with pastry cream and decorate with fruit.

Mom’s Tips

See also the recipe for Pastry Cream

You can fill the cups with your favorite creamy sweets and fruits.

Your favorite ice cream can also be served in chocolate cups.


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