UA collision between a bus and a truck in Bahia, Brazil, killed 25 people on Sunday night, according to O Globo.
According to the same newspaper, the accident happened on BR-324, in the city of São José do Jacuípe, in the north of Bahia, around 290 km from Salvador.
In addition to the fatalities, the accident left five people injured. There is no information about their condition, it is only known that one was transported to the hospital in the city of Capim Grosso and the other four to a health unit in Nova Fátima.
The fatal victims include men, women, pregnant women, teenagers and children. 21 were passengers on the bus, three people were traveling in the truck.
The Jacobina municipality declared seven days of mourning, lamenting the accident. A collective wake will be held at the municipal gymnasium, with a date to be announced.
Authorities are now investigating the circumstances of the accident.
[Notícia atualizada às 13h03]
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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2475428/colisao-entre-camiao-e-autocarro-mata-24-pessoas-na-bahia