A group of prisoners escaped on Saturday, March 2, from the national prison in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, after an assault by armed gangs and in the midst of a wave of unrest that has shaken the country for several days. The Colombian mercenaries imprisoned in that prison for the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse ask the Foreign Ministry for help.

Since the unrest began, at least four police officers have been killed and dozens of people have been injured in a country mired in a serious political, security and humanitarian crisis.

The violence in the capital of Haiti due to dangerous gangs reached the prison of that city on the night of March 2where the Colombians involved in the assassination of President Jovenel Moise are being held.

The event put the families of these men in Colombia on alert, who ask the Government to protect their lives.

“We have a lawyer who is helping us directly in Haiti and she received the notification and an official went to the prison to take the names of the 17 Colombians to confirm who are going to be released,” said Sandra Macollins. , lawyer for the families of prisoners in Haiti.

“The lawyer confirmed to us that they are indeed going to be released today, they are leaving today. They are going to leave them on the street and they have nowhere to go, they are left visibly so that the criminal gangs can execute them by their own hands., that’s what’s going to happen. So we ask the national government to please help us,” added the lawyer.

Macollins stressed that “we already have a consul in Haiti. She is a consul on diplomatic property who can go with an armored car, pick up the boys, send them to the airport and send them on the first plane possible. If it is because of the plane tickets, the families are already raising money for that, but we need to put them in protection, if we leave them outside the prison looking at the sky they will not reach Colombia.”

Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/mercenarios-colombianos-presos-en-haiti-quedarian-libres-tras-ataque-a-carcel-de-puerto-principe-rg10

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