EIn a statement, the United States Central Command (CENTCOM) states that the fertilizer represents “an environmental risk in the Red Sea” and that the sunken ship “also represents a risk of impact to other ships transiting the busy shipping lanes of that waterway.” .

The US, which leads the Red Sea naval coalition to safeguard international trade in the waterway, accused the Iran-backed Huthis of being a “growing threat to global maritime activities”.

On Saturday, the internationally recognized government of Yemen, which is confronting the Huthis, said the sinking represented “an unprecedented environmental catastrophe.”

The British-flagged, Belize-flagged ship sank completely due to weather conditions at sea and strong winds, according to the Yemeni government, which attributed the disaster to the lack of response from the international community to keep the ship on the surface and empty it. your load.

The Huthi rebels have attacked around fifty ships since November, causing extensive damage, but the Rubymar is the first ship to sink as a result of a rebel operation.

According to Yemeni authorities, the ship was managed by a Syrian citizen and its crew consisted of 24 people – 11 Syrians, six Egyptians, three Indians and four Filipinos – who were evacuated to Djibouti.

The Yemeni waters of the Red Sea were on the brink of a new environmental catastrophe following the decomposition of the FSO Safer, stranded off the coast of Yemen since 1988 and whose operations to transfer the more than 1.14 million barrels of oil it contained were completed. successfully in mid-August 2023.

Read Also: Freighter attacked by the Houthis sank and threatens environmental catastrophe

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2513583/navio-afundado-apos-ataque-dos-huthi-tinha-21000-toneladas-de-amonio

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