A Colombian woman undertook quite a journey to free her husband kidnapped by Hamas. He traveled from Israel to Bogotá to ask President Gustavo Petro to intercede for the release of this man in the hands of the extremist group.

This is Rebeca González from Bogotá, who told Noticias Caracol how the Hamas group snatched her partner from her. “One of my husband’s best friends tells me: ‘You have to be strong’. And he sends me the video. I saw the video, I was shocked, I see that my husband is covered in blood, he is injured, along with 4 other boys tied up on the floor.“.

After months of fighting without even obtaining proof of her partner’s life, Rebeca found in one of the biggest detractors of Israel’s operations in the war the last hope she has to bring him back.

“My son looked into Petro’s eyes and said, ‘This is my dad.’ In the president’s office there were decoration planes, war planes, and he tells him: ‘Those planes are looking for my dad.’“.

She traveled 11,000 kilometers to see Gustavo Petro and ask him face to face to use his relations with the Palestinian people to get the Hamas group to return her husband.

More than 100 days have passed, the clock is ticking, hopes are exhausted and Rebeca’s fear increases. “My husband has a broken nose, He is currently on the injured list and for me every day, every minute, counts at this moment. My husband’s life is at risk and even more so if he is in the tunnels” which are 40 meters deep, he said.

“I am fully aware that President Petro at this moment has the key to bring my husband back home. All my trust is placed in him and I know that he is my hope at this moment and that we are going to achieve it, he is going to achieve it, God willing,” he assured.

Rebecca trusts President Gustavo Petro, but believes even more in her inner strength, the one that brought her, against all odds, to Colombia and that took her, in record time, to the Casa de Nariño.

Now, she is only counting the days until the Colombian president can convince the terrorist group to release her husband and help her recover the love of her life.

Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/colombia/colombiana-dice-que-petro-es-su-esperanza-para-liberacion-de-su-esposo-raptado-por-hamas-rg10

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