Earl Charles Spencer, brother of the late Princess Diana, reveals who was sexually abused by a woman during his stay at an elite educational boarding school in his childhood, in a memoir serialized from this Sunday by The Mail on Sunday.

The volume also reveals that He lost his virginity to a prostitute at the age of 12 in Italy as a result of what he experienced at Maidwell Hall school, which he attended from the age of 8 to 13, as well as other physical abuse suffered by him and his classmates at the hands of the principal and some teachers.

According to extracts collected by the newspaper, Count Spencer, 59, was abused by one of the matrons of his school residence, in her 20s who, as he explains, at night bribed children with sweets and caressed them, to have relations with a new chosen one every quarter.

Deprived of maternal love, the minors craved the attention of this responsible person, to the point that Carlos even harmed himself when she threatened to leave and everyone celebrated when he finally stayed, according to his story.

Count Spencer, maternal uncle of Princes William – heir to the British throne – and Henry, says that he only realized that the woman was a pedophile when she underwent psychological treatment years later and assures that these traumatic experiences damaged her later life. Couple relationships.

In the book, titled in English A Very Private Schoolthe aristocrat also details how the school director, the “terrifying and sadistic” John Porch, inflicted brutal beatings with which he apparently obtained sexual pleasure.

The violent Latin master, Henry Maude, simultaneously hit him with his cricket boots and left unconscious another child, while selecting several of them for naked swimming sessions with which he became excited.

Reliving the Maidwell Hall regime of “cruelty” and “sexual assault” to write his book was an “absolutely hellish experience,” says the earl, who later grew up at Eton boarding school, where his nephews and numerous members of the family also attended. the British upper class, including several prime ministers.

Carlos says that by revealing the abuses common in past decades in the UK’s exclusive boarding schools, he wants to expose the truth, “how things were too often” in private schools in the 1970s and bring some comfort to classmates who suffered like him.

Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/conde-carlos-spencer-hermano-de-la-princesa-diana-revela-que-fue-abusado-en-un-colegio-cb20

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