Ahe last publications by Russian opponent Alexei Navalny, who died this Friday, on the social network X (formerly Twitter) were critical of the penal colony where he was imprisoned and a declaration of love for his wife, Yulia Navalnaya.

The main opponent of President Vladimir Putin’s regime was detained in a high-security penal colony, in the Arctic region of Yamal-Nenets, serving a 19-year sentence for extremism.

“The Yamal colony decided to beat Vladimir’s record for flattering and pleasing the Moscow authorities”, he began by mentioning, in a publication dated February 14, comparing the current penal colony with the colony in the Vladimir region, where he was detained until December.

“They just gave me 15 days in a punishment cell. In other words, this is the fourth punishment cell in less than two months that I have been with them”, he reported.

On the same day, Navalny had left a declaration of love to his wife, with whom he had been married for more than 20 years, to celebrate Valentine’s Day.

“Darling, with you everything is like a song: between us there are cities, the take-off lights of airfields, blue snowstorms and thousands of kilometers. But I feel that you are close every second and I love you more and more”, he reads. in the publication, which also shows a photograph of the couple.

Alexei Navalny died today, aged 47, in a penal colony in the Arctic where he was serving a 19-year prison sentence, according to Russia’s prison services.

“On February 16, 2024, in penitentiary center No. 3, prisoner Navalny AA felt unwell after a walk,” the Federal Prison Service (FSIN) said in a statement cited by the Russian agency TASS.

“The causes of death are being investigated,” added the FSIN.

Navalny’s supporters have not yet confirmed the news and announced that the dissident’s lawyer was traveling to the region where the penal colony is located.

Read Also: Navalny. Russian opponents blame Putin for what they consider a murder

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2503201/criticas-a-prisao-e-declaracao-a-mulher-as-ultimas-publicacoes-de-navaln

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