O President of the United States, Joe Biden, starred in another viral moment. This time, the American head of state was caught on camera making what appears to be a sign of the cross, during his meeting with the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, this Wednesday.

Biden, who is Roman Catholic, touched his forehead, belly and, later, the left and right area of ​​his chest, as if he were blessing himself, when Netanyahu, a Jew, began to speak.

“We have been friends for more than 40 years,” said the Israeli leader, immediately following Biden’s gesture.

There are those who say that Biden’s gesture may have been made as a possible joke about his own age. However, the 80-year-old president did not explain what happened and, so far, the White House has not made any comment.

Note that the sign of the cross is a ritual frequently used in prayers in different branches of Christianity.

It should be noted that Biden and Netanyahu met briefly today on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly, and the US president promised that a possible future meeting would discuss “difficult issues”, “democratic values” and “balance of powers “, in a clear reference to the controversial judicial reform in Israel, promoted by the government and which has already been criticized by the United States.

The US president ended up announcing that he should receive the Israeli prime minister before the end of the year, promising that he will discuss “difficult issues”.

In today’s brief conversation with Biden, Netanyahu limited himself to saying that the two countries maintain common goals.

Read Also: Biden announces he will receive Israeli prime minister later this year

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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2404018/biden-benzeu-se-em-frente-a-netanyahu-presidente-volta-a-dar-que-falar

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