A crowd surrounded the opposition leader María Corina Machado, who is visiting different towns in the Portuguesa State, in Venezuela, asking them to support the candidate Edmundo González Urrutia.

“Once again we surprised them and managed to have a candidate registered for this July 28, which is nothing less and nothing more than Edmundo González Urrutia,” said Machado.

A few kilometers from María Corina Machado, The Chavista leader, Diosdado Cabello, led a campaign event. In fact, Machado happened in the middle of the Chavista event.

“We asked if Mr. ‘Inmundo’ González was the gringo candidate and they said: obviously.”said Diosdado Cabello.

Maduro, for his part, visited the popular sector of Mamera in Caracas trying to win the vote of dissatisfied Chavismo.

According to ORC Consultores survey, 53% of the population declare themselves anti-government, 17% pro-government and 29% He is not in favor of any.

In a scenario of two electoral options, 56% would vote for the opposition and 17% for Chavismo.

The survey was conducted last week before the announcement of the Unitary Platform in support of Edmundo González. The study points out that González has 19.60% and Nicolás Maduro 18.77%. While 23% declare that they do not know who they would vote for next July 28.

With 3 months to go before the presidential election, the regime continues to disqualify opposition political leaders. Five of them will not be able to run in the next gubernatorial and mayoral elections.

Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/diosdado-cabello-llama-inmundo-a-edmundo-gonzalez-y-dice-que-es-el-candidato-de-los-gringos-rg10

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