O Pope Francis assured that he had no intention of resigning from his position, since, in his view, does not have “sufficiently serious reasons” to do so.

“It’s a distant hypothesis, because I don’t have reasons serious enough to make me think about giving up”said His Holiness, in his new book ‘Life: My Story Through History’ [‘Vida: A minha história pela história’, em tradução livre]excerpts of which were published this Thursday by the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera and cited by Reuters.

At 87 years old, Francisco’s health has been deteriorating. Between flu, colds and bouts of bronchitis, the Supreme Pontiff has already been forced to cancel his schedule several times, in addition to, lately, using a wheelchair or a cane to move around.

In any case, the Pope indicated, in this new work of his that will be published in Italian and English on March 19, that he enjoys “in good health and, God willing, there are still many projects to be carried out”. Therefore, he justified that he will only think about resigning if he has a “serious physical impediment”.

Furthermore, Francis once again defended his decision to allow same-sex or civil union couples to be blessed, arguing that the Catholic Church has a duty to welcome everyone.

“God loves everyone, especially sinners”these.

On the other hand, the Pope reiterated his condemnation of abortion and the use of surrogacy, stressing that his focus on the poorest and most marginalized does not make him a communist or Marxist.

Remember that Francis’s predecessor, Benedict XVI, was the first Pope to leave office in around 600 years. The former Supreme Pontiff resigned in February 2013, at the age of 85, and died around 10 years later, at the age of 95.

Read Also: Russia hails Pope Francis as defender of humanism and peace

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2521436/hipotese-distante-papa-diz-nao-ter-razoes-serias-para-renunciar

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