O main advisor to the Ukrainian presidency, Mykhaylo Podolyak, dotted all the i’s with regard to Moscovi’s speech on peace negotiations.
“When some Russian official, including Putin, once again starts talks about ‘negotiations’, please don’t react. Not at all. Don’t live under the illusion that today’s Russia is capable of making deals.”started by writing in a post shared on the social network X (formerly Twitter).
The Ukrainian official argued that even Russian President Vladimir Putin “is not talking about negotiations in the traditional sense”, but rather exclusively about three scenarios.
“The first: putting pressure on Ukraine to freeze the conflict until the next phase… if a direct ‘surrender’ doesn’t work, there is still a second scenario: giving us an operational pause so that we can arm ourselves, and they can continue to kill Ukrainians”, he listed.
When someone from Russian officials, including #Putinagain initiates a false conversation about “negotiations,” please do not react to it. Not at all. Do not live in illusions that the current #Russia is capable of making agreements in some way. Do not let yourself be deceived…
— Mykhailo Podolyak (@Podolyak_M) September 16, 2023
Podolyak also pointed out a third scenario, if none of the ‘negotiations’ proposed by Moscow would work, if they were put into practice. “Don’t let us lose, otherwise we will go through a transformative revolution.
“It’s all very primitive, predictable and banal when we talk about Russia’s plans. So, once again – live without illusions, don’t listen to Russia, don’t pay attention to the genocidal desires of Putin’s group”, he concluded.
Read Also: Kyiv and Moscow Negotiations? Putin accuses US of not knowing how to dance ‘tango’
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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2401083/podolyak-nao-tenham-ilusoes-de-que-a-russia-e-capaz-de-fazer-acordos