An Uzbek driver was fined 17,000 euros by Italian police on Thursday, July 4, and his driving license was revoked for remaining behind the wheel for more than 32 hours in two days while traveling to Spain.
The truck driver was detained at a motorway checkpoint near the city of Imperia, in the Liguria region (northwest) and a few kilometres from the border with France, when he was heading to Spain with a shipment of iron material from Eastern Europe, local media reported.
Police found that the driver had altered the tachograph records, using a second card in someone else’s name to swap his own on the device that records driving time, distance travelled and vehicle speed.
The driver, who had travelled 18 hours on one day and 14 on the next, received 43 fines administrative for various violations related to the maximum driving time.
What does the rule state for drivers?
The law states that truck drivers cannot travel more than 9 hours a day except for two days a week when they can drive 10 and after 4 and a half hours behind the wheel, they must rest for at least 45 minutes.
The driver of the truck, which was owned by a Slovak company, has also had his driving licence revoked.
Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/por-manejar-32-horas-en-2-dias-multan-a-conductor-con-mas-de-75-millones-de-pesos-cb20