Dand according to this analysis and research division of The Economist Group, Biden has in his favor the good performance of the North American economy, which is beginning to be felt in the favorable perception of voters, and also benefits from being the candidate who has managed to raise more money for the campaign (which in the United States is a very important variable for winning elections).

On the other hand, analysts at The Economist consider that former Republican president Donald Trump is beginning to show drops in popularity in states considered most relevant to the outcome of next November’s elections, as well as difficulties in securing financing for his campaign efforts. campaign.

During a seminar that took place today in a virtual environment, and in which the Lusa agency participated, two senior analysts from the Economist Intelligence Unit, Andrew Viteritti and Steven Leslie, also analyzed the consequences of the North American elections, given the differences between the two candidates.

For these analysts, the differences stand out more at the level of foreign policy than domestic policy, but at any level they reveal that Biden and Trump have substantially different and, in some aspects, even opposing governance options.

In foreign policy, the analysis division of The Economist Group highlights that a Biden victory will allow very little to change with regard to the United States’ support for Ukraine, in its war effort against the Russian invasion, despite considering that the current President may moderate the momentum of financial and military investment after the elections.

With Trump, what can be expected will be a significant retraction in this support, with the future President preferring to invest in strategies to wage war in Ukraine, at the expense of Ukrainian interests.

With regard to the conflict in the Gaza Strip, analysts believe that Biden will insist on showing reservations about the Israeli military strategy, despite remaining on Israel’s side, while Trump would bet on reinforcing North American support in the confrontation against the group Islamist Hamas.

With regard to NATO, analysts consider that Biden will be the best choice for anyone who wants to maintain the same commitment to the unity of the Atlantic Alliance, although they consider that, despite Trump’s reservations, it is unlikely that the Republican candidate would have any disruptive attitude, especially since would have difficulty convincing the North American Congress to accept a more radical attitude, such as withdrawing the country from the North Atlantic Treaty.

At the level of domestic politics, the analysis division of The Economist Group believes that the two candidates have several points of consensus, but point to the issue of fiscal policy as one of the most divisive, drawing attention to the fact that Biden defends a substantial increase of taxes for the richest, while Trump defends a strategy of generally reducing the tax burden.

For analysts, another issue that divides the two candidates is the important issue of immigration, after Trump announced a significant increase in entry controls, with more restrictions on the dissemination of visas and even the return of measures preventing the arrival of migrants. Muslims.

Read Also: Biden defends the right to abortion and Trump attacks immigrants in the pre-campaign

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2533320/eleicao-biden-melhor-posicionado-para-vencer-perante-trump-diz-imprensa

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