“AInformation from the secret services refers to possible disturbances of public order on June 30th and, above all, on July 7th”, revealed the French Interior Minister in an interview with the television station CNews.

Darmanin asserted that there are “many agitators in France” and that the Government believes that these disturbances of public order will come mainly from “radical Islam”, but does not exclude “threats” from the extreme right and radical left, although he considers that these groups are “minority”, although “dangerous”.

“We are preparing for this”, declared the minister, indicating that he will request a security meeting on Wednesday, due to the likelihood that, in addition to disturbances, there will also be attacks on State institutions.

“It’s not the protests, it’s not the force, it’s not the punches that make democracy. It’s the French”, stressed the Minister of the Interior.

The French will vote next Sunday in the first round of the legislative elections, called in advance by the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, following his party’s poor results in the European elections, won by the far-right French party National Union (RN, its acronym in French).

According to the polls, this will also now be the main choice of French citizens, the RN, with more than 35% of voting intentions, followed by the left-wing coalition Nova Frente Popular, with 29%, and, in third place, will be the Renaissance , Macron’s party, with around 20%.

Read Also: Here are the main moments of Macron’s departure from the French

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2586570/eleicoes-governo-frances-preve-disturbios-devido-a-islamismo-radical

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