“O Congress must decide whether to continue to support the fight for freedom in Ukraine… or whether it will ignore the lessons we have learned from history and allow Putin to prevail,” said Jake Sullivan, national security advisor to US President Joe Biden, during a Press conference.

“It’s that simple”, he pointed out, quoted by the agency France-Presse (AFP).

According to Jake Sullivan, “voting against additional funding for Ukraine will hurt Ukraine and help Russia.”

“It will harm democracy and help dictators,” he said.

In a letter sent today to Mike Johnson, leader of the Republican-majority House of Representatives, White House budget director Shalanda Young said that “if Congress does not act”, by the end of the year there will be “a lack of resources to deliver more weapons and equipment to Ukraine and supply material from the US military arsenals.”

Democrat Joe Biden asked Congress, on October 20, to approve an exceptional envelope of more than 100 billion dollars to respond to the emergencies of the moment, namely helping Israel and Ukraine, confronting China and responding to the arrivals of migrants in southern border.

Of this amount, more than $60 billion is expected to go to Ukraine, of which the United States has been by far the main supporter since Russia’s invasion in late February 2022.

“This is not a problem for next year. It is now that we must help democratic Ukraine fight against Russian aggression”, stressed the budget director.

The White House is committed to ensuring funding for aid to Ukraine at least until the presidential elections in November 2024, which could once again pit Joe Biden against former President Donald Trump.

Vladimir “Putin will not commit to peace before seeing the results of our election”, a senior US diplomatic official recently confided.

Shalanda Young’s letter was published at a time when Ukraine recognized the failure of its counteroffensive launched in the summer and when Russia launches repeated attacks, especially against the city of Avdiïvka, in the east of the country.

The United States, in turn, has been in huge budgetary ‘limbo’ for months, due to endless turmoil in Congress.

The Congress of the main world power — made up of the Senate with a Democratic majority and the House of Representatives with a Republican majority — has not yet voted on a budget for the fiscal year that began on October 1st.

The federal government is currently functioning thanks to an emergency extension that will expire in mid-January.

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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2454617/acabar-com-a-ajuda-dos-eua-a-kyiv-permitira-que-putin-venca

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