OProsecutors had sought 12 and a half years in prison for Alan Hostetter, 59, who was convicted of four charges in July, including obstructing an official proceeding and disruptive conduct with a dangerous or deadly weapon in a restricted access area.

The former police officer, who was free and will be arrested again in January, gave his own defense at the trial. He persisted to the end in his conspiratorial claims that the 2020 elections had been “stolen” from outgoing Republican President Donald Trump by his Democratic opponent Joe Biden.

On January 6, 2021, hundreds of Donald Trump supporters stormed the Capitol, the sanctuary of American democracy, in an attempt to prevent the certification of Joe Biden’s victory.

Since then, more than 1,230 people have been arrested and charged. More than 450 were sentenced, the majority to prison terms.

Donald Trump was not directly prosecuted for these events, although the Commission of Inquiry on January 6, 2021 recommended criminal proceedings against him in December 2022, namely for inciting rebellion and conspiring against American institutions.

Donald Trump was formally charged in August by a federal court in Washington and then by the courts in the southeastern state of Georgia for his allegedly illegal attempts to reverse the results of the 2020 election.

These historic lawsuits opened a legal debate over his possible ineligibility, leading to appeals in a dozen states to remove Donald Trump from the ballot for the 2024 presidential election.

Although most of the courts involved have so far rejected these requests, the Colorado Supreme Court is expected to rule soon after hearing arguments on Wednesday from both sides in an appeal against a lower court ruling. instance.

A judge in Denver, the capital of this western state, concluded, on November 17, that Donald Trump had “engaged in a rebellion on January 6, 2021”, but that the 14th amendment of the Constitution, invoked to claim his ineligibility, did not apply to a president.

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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2457295/antigo-policia-condenado-a-11-anos-de-prisao-pelo-assalto-ao-capitolio

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