UA survivor of the shooting that took place on Wednesday at the University of Nevado, in Las Vegas, recounted the moments of panic he experienced when the shooter invaded the educational establishment.
Mike Henderson told ABC News that he had just left his classroom and was in the hallway when he heard at least eight gunshots.
“An alert from the university appeared on my cell phone, and it said: ‘Shots fired – run, hide, fight”, explained the finalist, adding that it was then that he knew the situation “was real”.
“I immediately went to a classroom on the 2nd floor, where we began to take shelter. The lights went out, everyone was quiet and nervous”he recalled.
The finalist explained that the door was barricaded with tables and that everyone tried to remain as silent as possible. “We wanted to make sure that if the shooter walked through the hallway, he would think that no one was in that room,” he explained.
But Mike Henderson also told ABC News that there was still time for a call to his father – and that he wasn’t the only one, as other students cried and panicked while also calling their closest family members.
“If you’re not going to get out of a situation alive, you’re going to want to talk to the people you love”, he pointed out, recounting what he told his father. “Dad, I have to go, but if this is the last time we talk, I love you.”he recalled, explaining that he lost his mother a few years ago. “Just saying goodbye to my father was very hard”he added.
Three people died in the shooting and one was injured. Of the fatal victims, one was a teacher and the other an assistant. The deaths occurred on different floors.
It took the authorities just over a minute to arrive at the scene, and they met the shooter outside the building, where they exchanged a few shots. The suspect, now identified as Anthony Polito, aged 67, was a university professor and ended up dying at the scene. According to the international press, the man recently applied for a job at this university, but without success.
Also Read: Identity of man who killed three people in Las Vegas revealed
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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2457286/sobrevivente-despediu-se-do-pai-durante-tiroteio-em-las-vegas-foi-duro