Dand according to a military statement, fighter planes eliminated senior Hamas officials in Rafah who were helping the movement’s military wing control operations on the ground.

The dead are Sayid Katab Alkhashash and Osama Hamd Zaher, heads of the northern and eastern delegations of the Hamas Emergency Office in Rafah, respectively; Hadi Abu Alrus Kasin, operations officer; and Nidal Aleed, general head of the Rafah Emergency Office, who was eliminated in an attack last week.

A fifth employee, Muhammad Aud Almelalakhi, also from the Rafah Eastern Emergency Office, was injured in today’s attack but is not known to be dead.

In another Israeli bombing last night, employee Amjad Hathat, head of the western side of the Emergency Office in Gaza City, was killed in a truck attack that killed at least 23 other people.

On Monday, at the Al Shifa hospital – which remains under siege for the third consecutive day by Israeli tanks and artillery – the head of operations of the Hamas Ministry of the Interior, Faiq Mabhouch, who, according to Israel, “coordinated the activities of the Islamic group” also died. in the Gaza Strip”.

On the same day, police officer Raed al Banna, in charge of security for aid trucks in this area, died in the bombing of his home in Yabalia, along with his wife and two children.

Another attack in Nuseirat killed three other people and at least one child.

In 166 days of war, more than 31,900 people have died – 72% of them women and children, according to the Hamas Ministry of Health – and more than half of Gaza’s population, over one million people, suffers from “catastrophic food insecurity “, according to a UN report.

Read Also: Jordan and US launch humanitarian aid to Gaza by air

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2524965/quatro-altos-funcionarios-do-hamas-morreram-em-ataques-na-ultima-semana

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