NNew talks on the ceasefire in the Gaza Strip are expected to resume on Sunday, March 17, after international mediators tried – in vain – for a truce before the start of Ramadan.

The news was released by Egyptian authorities.

Previously, Hamas refused any agreement that did not lead to a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, however, this demand was rejected by Israel.

However, in recent days, both parties have taken measures with the aim of resuming talks, which, in reality, were never completely interrupted.

According to two Egyptian officials, cited by the Associated Press (AP), Hamas presented a new proposal with a three-phase plan to end the fighting.

Consequently, the first phase it will be a six-week ceasefire that would include the release of 35 hostages – women, sick and elderly – held by Hamas militants in Gaza. On the other hand, Israel is expected to release 350 Palestinian prisoners held by its forces.

In addition to civilians, Hamas will also have to release five Israeli soldiers – all women. In exchange, according to the same source, Tel Aviv will release 50 Hamas militants, including some serving long sentences on terrorism charges.

Under this agreement, Israeli forces are to withdraw from Gaza’s two main roads, which will allow displaced Palestinians to return to northern Gaza, an area devastated by bombing, and the free flow of humanitarian aid to the region.

In the second phasethe two sides would declare a permanent ceasefire and Hamas would release the remaining Israeli soldiers held hostage in exchange for more prisoners.

Finally, in the third and final phaseHamas would also hand over the bodies it has in its possession in exchange for Israel lifting the blockade of Gaza and beginning the reconstruction of the enclave.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu considered the proposal “unrealistic”, but agreed to send Israeli negotiators to Qatar for this round of talks, which are expected to resume on Sunday afternoon or Monday.

Netanyahu’s government has rejected calls for a permanent ceasefire, insisting that it must first fulfill its stated objective of “annihilating Hamas.”

It should be remembered that the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas was triggered by an unprecedented attack by the Palestinian Islamist group on Israeli soil, on October 7, which caused around 1,200 deaths and more than two hundred hostages, according to Israeli authorities. .

In retaliation, Israel launched an offensive in the Gaza Strip that has caused more than 31,000 deaths and more than 73,000 injuries, according to Hamas, which has controlled the territory since 2007.

Since then, another 420 people have been killed in the West Bank and East Jerusalem by security forces and attacks by Israeli settlers.

The UN reported that the number of children killed by bombings in Gaza is higher than the number of children killed in all wars over the last four years.

Read Also: UN warns of shocking increase in acute malnutrition in children in Gaza

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2522522/conversacoes-sobre-cessar-fogo-em-gaza-devem-recomecar-domingo-no-qatar

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