On Thursday, March 14, in the town of Villa Ángela, in Argentina, A man who was traveling through the area in his truck collided with a cyclist and meters later ended up hitting his car against a tree.. There was a hive of bees, insects that, upon hearing the noise, became agitated and attacked the athlete who was on the ground.

According to Todo Noticias, The 67-year-old victim was riding his bicycle, was hit and died after being attacked by the swarm of bees. The incident occurred around 12:15 in the afternoon, near the province of Tucúman.

The man who lost his life was identified as Bernardo Alcides Pascua. According to witnesses, after running over the athlete, the driver of the truck continued his journey, but was unable to stabilize the vehicle and crashed.

“When the driver of the truck rammed into a ceibo tree, There was a hive of bees that attacked both participants and the cyclist died instantly.“, indicated a witness to Diario TAG, quoted by the media TN.

Prosecutor Gisela Oñuk and her assistant, Marcela Gigena, a member of the scientific cabinet, judicial branch and division staff, arrived at the scene. Firefighters also attended, they had to use special equipment for the bees in order to be able to remove the body and hand it over to the authorities. Investigations into the man’s death are awaited.

After what happened, the community is waiting for the measures that will be taken against the person responsible for the accident and what degree of guilt he has for Bernardo’s death. At the moment the statements of witnesses are known who say that, despite crashing the cyclist, he would have continued with his march.

Regarding the driver’s health status, statements are expected from authorities or official sources, since he was also a victim of animal attack.

Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/tragica-muerte-de-ciclista-lo-atropello-camioneta-y-en-el-suelo-lo-atacaron-abejas-rg10

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