O The far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party assured today that its co-president Tino Chrupalla was injected with an unknown substance at a rally, but the police and the Public Prosecutor’s Office detected no signs of crime.

The AfD press office stated today that, according to the medical report from the hospital where Chrupalla was admitted, physical examinations revealed that he had “a hole in his left shoulder”, which the party says corresponds to the area in which the politician was injected during an incident yet to be clarified.

“Furthermore, [o relatório indica] that an intramuscular infection occurred with an unknown substance”, said the political force, in a statement released today.

According to reports in several German media outlets, the results of toxicological analysis of Chrupalla’s blood did not reveal any anomalies, although the results of other forensic tests are still awaited.

Last Wednesday, Chrupalla felt unwell before going on stage at an election campaign event in Ingolstadt (south), followed by other symptoms such as nausea and cramps, which is why he was kept under medical observation until Thursday. .

The police stated that several people took selfies with Chrupalla before the event and had physical contact with him, but added that there is currently no indication that the politician’s discomfort was caused by an attack or crime.

The Public Prosecutor’s Office, which opened an investigation as it immediately suspected a possible crime involving aggression by strangers, also concluded that there was no evidence other than the fact that Chrupalla had redness on his shoulder when he was hospitalized.

The co-leader of the AfD canceled the remaining commitments scheduled for the final stretch of the campaign for the regional elections in the states of Bavaria and Hesse (south), which take place next Sunday, and other parties accused him of exploiting the incident for political purposes. electoral.

This was the case of the Bavarian Interior Minister, the conservative Joachim Hermann, who described the AfD’s alleged attempt as a strategy to obtain “political capital” before the investigations were concluded, reinforcing that such a stance is “an infamous act”.

The other co-leader of the far-right party, Alice Weidel, was also involved in controversy during the campaign for the regional elections, after canceling her appearance at an event for security reasons, citing an alleged recommendation from the police due to a threat of attack.

It has since become known that, on the day of the canceled rally, Alice Weidel was in Mallorca, Spain, with her family and not under police protection as the party had suggested.

The AfD explained the situation, arguing that Weidel wanted to take his family away from home in Switzerland.

Although the case of Tino Chrupalla did not raise further suspicions with the Public Prosecutor’s Office, this institution, responsible for terrorism cases in Bavaria, announced that it was investigating several fires on the railway line and in a geothermal installation because it suspected that such acts could have “political motivations “.

“Based on what is already known, it can be assumed that this was a targeted attack,” the Public Prosecutor’s Office said in a statement, estimating the value of the damage at around 2.5 million euros.

The indictment indicated that it suspected acts of “politically motivated terrorism”, without further details about the direction of the investigation.

These incidents took place on Monday, when, early in the morning, several explosions, accompanied by fires, were felt at the site of a new geothermal installation under construction in the municipality of Polling, east of Munich.

Not far away, the cables on the railway line between Tüßling and Mühldorf were set on fire, paralyzing traffic throughout the morning.

An anonymous letter published on the far-left website Indymedia claimed responsibility for the action, saying the “sabotage” was carried out to protest “neocolonial exploration and extraction of raw materials that destroy the Earth.”

Regional elections in Germany will take place next Sunday in the federal states of Bavaria and Hesse, and the extreme right is expected to significantly improve its results, with polls predicting a vote that could be around 15%.

Read Also: Investigated alleged attack on leader of the Alternative for Germany

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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2414815/mp-alemao-investiga-acusacoes-de-crimes-ligadas-a-eleicoes-na-baviera

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