Lactose free! Released, refreshing and healthier recipe for your summer! Fruit-based ice cream is the perfect combination.


  • 2 and ½ trays of strawberries
  • 3 tablespoons of lactose-free SupraSoy®
  • 1 cup (tea) of water
  • ½ cup (tea) sugar

Preparation Mode

  1. Clean well and chop the strawberries.
  2. In a blender, blend two trays of strawberries, SupraSoy® and ½ cup (tea) of water until a uniform cream is obtained.
  3. In a pan, heat the sugar and the rest of the water and boil until you obtain a thin syrup.
  4. Transfer the strawberry cream to the mixer and, at low speed, gradually add the syrup, beating.
  5. Beat until it cools well.
  6. Place in the freezer until almost hardened.
  7. Remove and beat until you get a cold cream.
  8. Return to the freezer until it almost hardens, remove and beat again.
  9. Repeat three more times, the last time adding the reserved strawberry pieces.
  10. Serve in ice cream cups and decorate as desired.

Mom Tips

The quantity of strawberries corresponds to 750 grams.

Items 7, 8 and 9 are important so that the sorbet is very creamy.

Yields approximately 800 grams of sorbet.

See also the lactose-free pineapple ice cream recipe and the soflair ice cream recipe.


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