Sometimes Germany’s inner life rages somewhere else than in Berlin. In the district of Donau-Ries, for example. Or in Dusseldorf. There, the Greens were able to experience what can happen if they appoint the refugee minister in these overwhelmed times.

The Düsseldorf refugee minister is a woman and is called Josefine Paul. And she managed to rouse the entire opposition against herself. Complete opposition, that means in the NRW capital: SPD plus FDP plus – AfD.

A remarkable coalition that is possible because the Greens govern here with the Blacks, and not with the Reds and Yellows as in Berlin. And because the cities in North Rhine-Westphalia are just as overwhelmed by the unchecked influx of refugees as in the rest of the republic. The difference: the responsibility in the most populous federal state has a Green.

“Collapse and overload”: Green refugee minister is criticized

“Organizational chaos of the minister”, judged the SPD in a current hour. “Inhumane refugee policy,” said SPD man Christian Dahm to the Green Minister. Even: Local democracy is in danger. “Collapse and overload,” says the FDP about Paul’s policy.

“Rejection of work.” The AfD ruled that the state government did not know the word “border security”. The state government unscrupulously turned the lives of people in the municipalities upside down.

In Berlin, Olaf Scholz is experiencing what happens to a chancellor whose ministers do not do their work as neatly and noiselessly as he would like. It scratches his authority.

Hendrik Wüst, the candidate for chancellor of the CDU, may now also have this experience. Especially since the number of refugees is not falling, but growing. And now there’s another problem created with prominent green involvement – ​​family reunification.

400,000 people could come to us this year

Both together, the strong immigration via the right of asylum plus immigration via bringing relatives to catch up, will make 2023 a record year in the foreseeable future.

300,000 initial applications for asylum, plus around 130,000 visas for family reunification issued by the Foreign Office to Green Minister Annalena Baerbock at the end of the year, the Union calculates in Berlin.

Power together: far more than 400,000 people. A special case makes clear what on-site can mean. It took place in the district of Donau-Ries. Ahmad A., a recognized asylum seeker from Syria, found accommodation there.

He applied for his wife – who was just 14 years old when they got married – and their ten children to join them. The district office of Donauwörth refused. You don’t know where to put this family. The Foreign Office rejected the objections, the woman was allowed to come to Bavaria with her children from Lebanon, and child number eleven has now been born.

Lindner exposes the green attempt to cover up

Child poverty among migrants – FDP chairman and Federal Minister of Finance Christian Lindner made this an issue in a dispute with the Green Family Minister Paus. Since 2015, the number of asylum immigrant children on Hartz IV or on basic income has increased from 366,000 to 933,000 people.

When Lindner pointed out these facts, the SPD, the Greens, social organizations and economists such as DIW boss Marcel Fratzscher attacked him violently. When it comes to neediness, skin color or origin should not play a role. Doesn’t play it either, only:

Lindner established a correlation between asylum immigration and subsequent child poverty – something leftists want nothing to do with. For her it was and is a taboo break.

However, Lindner explains why he thinks it is wiser to spend money so that the parents can get a job and the children get an education than simply giving them more money directly. With her idea of ​​basic child security, Family Minister Paus is pursuing a tactical goal:

With her demand, she conceals the social consequences of the almost unchecked migration wanted by the Greens. Lindner has now exposed this attempt at concealment. That is the real cause of the coalition crash in Berlin.

The consequences of immigration are dealt with in the communities

Everything is coming together this year: the sharp increase in irregular immigration, plus the forced family reunification of migrants operated by the Greens, plus the sharp increase in poverty among migrant children.

This is currently adding up to a new, politically highly explosive “policy mix”. How to study in places like Düsseldorf, in Donau-Ries and in Berlin.

The starting point is a green-primed immigration policy, which was first adopted by CDU Chancellor Angela Merkel, closely followed by SPD Chancellor Olaf Scholz. The consequences are not being paid for in Berlin, but in the cities and communities.

They have to look after the apartments for the refugees and they have to deal with child poverty. They tell the chancellor that they can’t do it. As a reminder: At the beginning of the 1990s there was already such a situation.

When the number of asylum seekers rose above the 400,000 mark, the SPD opposition was ready to change the fundamental right to asylum. The parallels are striking. Now the Union has just proposed a change in the basic right to asylum, and again the SPD is against it. The Greens are anyway.

With the numbers, the social need increases – and the concern of many voters

But the numbers are increasing. And with them the social misery. The pressure rises in the boiler. The first Social Democrat to call for a fundamental reorientation of his party on asylum was long-time SPD leader Sigmar Gabriel. In the SPD he has little to say. But he has his ear to the people.

In a survey for the FAZ, the Allensbach Institute filtered out those AfD sympathizers who did not have a pronounced right-wing extremist attitude. Of those, 87 percent worry that more and more refugees will come to Germany.

They fear for internal security. And they have the impression that they are dealing with an “increasingly withdrawn political and intellectual elite that no longer understands the concerns of the citizens and is also unwilling or able to communicate with them”.

The most recent law passed by the traffic light coalition in Berlin on immigration regulates the acquisition of German citizenship. The double passport becomes the norm, the need for “classification into the German living conditions”, which was still in the old law, was deleted in the new law.


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