Only one of the candidates got a worse rating. Only seven percent would vote for Secretary General Carsten Linnemann.

It looks all the better for the Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder. He would receive more than twice as many votes. A total of 29 percent would put their cross with the CSU boss.

Markus Söder clear favorite with CDU and FDP voters

A look at the Union voters reveals: The chances for the 56-year-old Bavarian look even better here. 39 percent would choose him as chancellor candidate. He is also the favorite of the FDP voters with 38 percent.

Also ahead of Merz is NRW Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst with 18 percent of the vote.

So far, however, no future chancellor candidates have been determined. This decision is to be made after the 2024 elections.


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