In the United Kingdom, a curious caseafter A woman suffering from a type 3 tumor was prescribed a spa day.

The protagonist of this story is Kimberley Baggley, a teacher who in 2023 began to experience severe headaches.

The magnitude of the discomfort was such that on one occasion the woman ended up hospitalized in the emergency room. Kimberly underwent the corresponding tests and after this she returned home.

However, the discomfort did not stop and the teacher continued to experience severe pain. For this reason, she went to a healthcare center again, where she was prescribed medication and diagnosed with a mild migraine.

Despite the diagnosis, the pain did not stop and, for this reason, Kimberly decided to go to her neurologist, who again He assured her that it was a migraine and recommended that she take a spa day. and try not to get stressed frequently.

“You have to go to a spa, spend time with yourself and relax”the doctor advised.

Kimberly followed the recommendation, but even so, the discomfort persisted. Finally, in a fourth assessment, a doctor discovered that the woman I had a type 3 tumor in the brain, abnormal mass for which she had to undergo surgery.

Unfortunately, after the surgery, the woman contracted a infection that forced her to have part of her skull removed and start a radiotherapy process.


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