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The beautiful summer days are the perfect opportunity to savor light and gourmet desserts. And what could be better than a delicious skewer of roasted apricots on the barbecue to end a holiday meal? This simple and quick recipe promises an explosion of sweet and aromatic flavors that will delight your guests. Find out how to prepare these succulent skewers in no time.

  1. Start by preheating your barbecue or grill.
  2. Wash and cut the apricots in half, removing the pits. Cut each half in half to get wedges.
  3. Choose sprigs of fresh rosemary and be sure to keep a few leaves on top of them to add flavor. You can also use dried rosemary sprigs if you don’t have a fresh option.
  4. In a bowl, mix olive oil with runny honey. Coat the apricot wedges with this mixture to coat them evenly.
  5. Thread the marinated apricot quarters on the rosemary sprigs. Be sure to leave a little space between each piece for even cooking.
  6. Place the apricot skewers on the preheated barbecue and grill them for about 1 minute on each side, until lightly browned and caramelized.
  7. Preparation of the sauce: While the skewers are cooking, prepare the sauce by mixing natural yoghurt with honey. This sweet and creamy sauce will go perfectly with the flavors of roasted apricots.

Serve the roasted apricot skewers with rosemary still warm, accompanied by the yogurt and honey sauce.


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