A The woman who found the first remains of Émile, the two-year-old boy who disappeared in July in France, recalled the moment she came across the skull during a hike near Le Vernet in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France , last month.

Identified as ‘Manon’, the woman said she found the bones “halfway”. “It was white and very clean. It only had the top teeth,” she told French radio station BFM TV.

At that moment, ‘Manon’ “knew it was him”, little Émile, and cried until she managed to calm down. She then decided to take the child’s remains with her because “if she came back they might not be there.”

“That’s why I took it. I knew that on windy days like that, if we wait, the mountain will no longer be the same”, he explained.

“I ran the way, I wanted to hurry,” he said. “I said to myself: ‘hurry, hurry, hurry (…) The police will find the culprit… the investigation will finally move forward'”.

From the mountain path to her home, she carried the skull “at arm’s length” because “feeling it touch her skin” terrified her. When she arrived at the door of the house she thought it was “inconceivable” to enter with the bones, so she called the police, who collected them.

Émile, just two years old, disappeared in Haut-Vernet on July 8, 2023. The child’s skull and teeth were found on March 30, a few kilometers from his grandparents’ house, where he disappeared.

A few days later, on April 2, the Aix-en-Provence Public Prosecutor’s Office announced that the boy’s clothes had been found approximately 150 meters from the place where the skull had been discovered. The following day, authorities discovered a “small piece of bone” belonging to little Émile.

Read Also: French authorities find new remains of little Émile

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2538036/sabia-que-era-ele-mulher-recorda-quando-encontrou-ossadas-de-emile

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