Within a few days, the CDU General Secretary had already made concrete demands for quick courts for swimming pool rioters, climate glue and for violent hooligans.

According to a study by the INSA institute, which was commissioned by “Bild” and in which 1002 respondents took part, the CDU politician seems to have struck a chord with most voters with his issues. Linnemann also receives many sympathy points from Green voters.

Plans by CDU hope Linnemann find great approval among Green voters

For example, 78 percent agree with the demand for quick meals for rioters and thugs. Among them, Linnemann received approval from voters from the FDP (84 percent), AfD (84 percent) and his own party (83 percent), as well as a lot of encouragement from the Greens camp with 70 percent.

The situation is similar with the item “Pre-school compulsory for children who speak bad German”. 76 percent of the Greens voters who took part in the survey agree with the introduction of compulsory pre-school.

Source: https://www.focus.de/politik/deutschland/insa-studie-cdu-hoffnung-linnemann-raeumt-selbst-bei-gruenen-waehlern-ab_id_199470847.html

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