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If, like almost ¾ of French people, you can’t start the day without a good coffee, this article is for you! While we hear every day that this energy drink is not necessarily very good for your health, what about its decaffeinated version? Le Dauphiné Libéré and Destination Santé investigated. Here are their conclusions.

Decaffeinated coffee can be found in all supermarkets, so much so that it is considered an essential commodity by some, like milk, eggs or bread. According to several studies, its consumption is even exploding. Among the 300 billion cups of coffee drunk per year, around 4% are caffeine-free. It’s not nothing ! However, do we know what is really hidden behind this tempting title?

Removing caffeine from coffee, while preserving its good taste, is no easy task. After several tests, 3 processes were found by manufacturers. While one requires the use of solvent and potentially carcinogenic chemicals, such as methylene chloride, the other two involve the use of carbon dioxide or hot water. Methods that are much less dangerous to your health. How do I know which process is used? Hard to say. There is no obligation for roasters or producers to indicate this information. Just tell yourself that if nothing is indicated on the package, it is probably because the method used is based on controversial products.

Also note that 100% decaf coffee does not exist! Although the caffeine content of coffee beans drops drastically using these methods, eliminating the remaining 0.1% is impossible.

If coffee, even decaffeinated, helps you get through the day, consuming too much of these drinks can have negative impacts on your health. Among them: the risk of heart disease, dehydration, addiction and even digestive inconveniences. Fortunately, there are many alternatives to this drink such as chicory, rooibos infusions, matcha or lupine coffee.


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