NThe center of the case is Pasquale Striano, an agent of the Guardia de Finanza (tax police) who currently works at the National Anti-Mafia Prosecutor’s Office and who for months made at least 800 irregular accesses to the institution’s database.

According to the media, their searches included numerous members of the current Government, such as Defense Minister Guido Crosetto – following whose complaint the investigations began – as well as former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and Silvio’s last girlfriend Berlusconi, Marta Fascina.

But there are also personalities from the world of entertainment, such as the musician Fedez, husband of Chiara Ferragni, and businessmen.

The prosecutor for the city of Perugia (center), Raffaele Cantone, responsible for the investigation, is trying to find out what Striano did with the information.

For this reason, in addition to the agent, he is investigating the actions of fifteen other people, including the deputy prosecutor of the National Anti-Mafia Directorate, Antonio Laudati.

Both have access to the “SOS System”, which receives alerts of suspicious financial or tax transactions.

Three journalists are also being investigated, if they had access to the information, as well as their newspaper, Domani, which denounced in an editorial what it considers “an attack” by the Public Prosecutor’s Office.

“Domani journalists under investigation. Guilty of having published true, documented and verified news that, in some cases, contributed to the opening of investigations into the illicit financing of parties and the theft of public funds”, says the newspaper.

The far-right League party, led by the current vice-president of the Government, Matteo Salvini, lamented that this alleged conspiracy “reveals a disconcerting picture”.

“We are witnessing a real attack on the Republic and democracy that involves the judiciary, the fiscal guard and left-wing newspapers”, stated the party, which demanded that those responsible for the investigation appear before the Parliamentary Security Commission of the Republic.

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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2513676/italia-investiga-recolha-de-dados-sensiveis-de-politicos-e-personalidades

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