DDuring his speech at the 10th Latin American Business Forum in Buenos Aires, Milei said: “Unlike others, who presented half-point adjustment plans, which ended up flying in the air, we made the seven-point adjustment , we are here and we will continue the fight”.

The Argentine head of state said that the cut in the budget deficit equivalent to seven points of gross domestic product was done to bring “order” to the State’s accounts and assured that he will not allow it to be put at risk.

Milei’s statement came after the Chamber of Deputies approved today the reform of the pension system, which now has yet to go to the Senate.

“Every time the political fiscal degenerates want to break the budget balance, I will veto everything”, he warned in reference to the groups of opposition deputies who approved the recomposition of the amounts allocated to retirees.

When talking about austerity, he defended the reduction in the number of Ministries and the dismissals of public servants, which has sparked strong protests in the streets.

“We knew that the program would generate social tension. Reducing the number of Ministries by half was not free. We laid off and will end up removing 75 thousand people. We have already taken 25 thousand. We have eliminated discretionary transfers, public works and eliminated contracts”, he detailed In this ocasion.

Read Also: Argentine President announces “significant reduction” in taxes

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2575422/javier-milei-anuncia-que-vai-despedir-mais-50-mil-funcionarios-publicos

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