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It is in an interview with the media Le Point what Jean-Francois Trap has decided to be interested in the tomato and to expose this fruit so much appreciated by the French. From cooking to the best recipes, thanks to the two-starred chef, you will see life in red!

Before cooking the tomato, it is still necessary to know how to peel it well. If many immerse it in boiling water to remove the skin, chef Jean-François Piège opts for another method : “Prick a nice tomato on a fork, pass it under the flame. When you hear the “psssst” sound, it means that the tomato’s skin has burst and you can peel it very easily. With this method, it is not necessary to boil water and cool it. It’s great for making a tomato salad, with a light grilled taste”. Indeed, in addition to removing the skin more easily, this method also has a real taste advantage.

Generally, tomato goes perfectly with mustard. This is the ideal combo for making a tomato pie. The problem ? This association is a little too classic. To vary the pleasures, Jean François Piège rather offers replace mustard with Boursin, a product that will work just as well and will be much less expected. For this, the chef explains the recipe and ensures that it “is very easy to do: “Cut the tomatoes in half, remove the seeds, add a drizzle of olive oil and put them in the oven for 45 minutes at 150 degrees. Take the dish out, add Boursin, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and bake again for 5 to 10 minutes. Season with a turn of the pepper mill and serve hot”.

And for those who are not a fan of this cheese, it is possible to transform your tomatoes into a delicious gazpacho filled with pep’s as he details on the Point website.

The tomato is waterlogged. This is why, when it is prepared in a salad, there is often a lot of juice on the plate. To avoid this mess, bread will be your best ally explains the chef: “Serve with the tomato salad, pieces of sandwich bread to sauce the bottom of the salad. Because in the tomato salad, there is as much to drink as there is to eat”.

Finally, If you have any tomatoes left over, don’t throw them away.. Know that everything changes, including tomatoes that are a little too ripe. Indeed, you can cook them in a delicious granita, perfect to refresh you this summer: “If you have an unfinished tomato salad left, the next day, put it in a blender, adding a drizzle of vinegar, put it in the freezer. When it is well frozen, scrape it with a spoon and you have a tomato salad granita”.


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