It’s hot in Mallorca: the thermometer shows peak values ​​of 44 degrees on the Balearic island on Tuesday, on Playa de Palma it is at least a little bit more bearable with around 35 degrees. In this heat, many vacationers prefer to stay in their cool hotels or chill at the hotel pool.

In the four-star hotel Occidental Playa de Palma on the third line from the sea near the Ballermann, there is a normal holiday atmosphere: transfer buses, taxis and rental cars pull up in front of the main entrance, bringing new hotel guests or transporting others to the airport.

Markus G. still wants to go outside for a short time on Tuesday afternoon. In front of the main entrance we meet the 36-year-old hotel guest. “It’s crazy: Nothing here actually reminds of the terrible deed of last week,” says the man from Neuss, looking at the hotel.

German tourist in the Ballermann Hotel: “The crime was the number 1 topic of conversation here”

On Thursday night, five German vacationers are said to have raped an 18-year-old woman from Hanover in one of the hotel rooms. The five Germans are now in custody in Palma prison, a sixth suspect from the group of men was released by the investigating judge because he is said to have been sleeping on a sofa in the hotel room at the time of the crime and was therefore not involved in the possible crime was.

“At the weekend, the crime was the number one topic of conversation here,” reports hotel guest Markus G. He has been living in the hotel, not far from Megapark and Bierkönig, for ten days. However, he did not notice anything about the alleged gang rape. “We were all just surprised that there were so many police here on Thursday and Friday. And press. There were umpteen photographers and reporters,” says G.

The holidaymaker from North Rhine-Westphalia first asked the receptionist. “They just said something about some kind of police action or something.” He later learned from the German media that the officers were experts in securing evidence, among other things. “We looked online and then found out about the terrible act that is said to have happened here.”

“Suddenly something like this is happening right under your nose in the same hotel”

Markus G. has been coming to Mallorca to relax and swim for many years. He stayed at the Hotel Occidental Playa de Palma on Avinguda de Fra Joan Llabrés in Arenal for the first time. “It’s really a very nice and well-kept hotel – with a great pool and even a windmill in the garden area,” says Markus G. “It’s just not a cheap Ballermann dump.”

For one night in the hotel you currently have to pay around 250 euros. Accordingly, he was surprised that such an alleged act had actually occurred there. “Suddenly something like this happened right in front of you in the same hotel – you had a really queasy feeling at first.”

However, the police are no longer present in the hotel. And the many reporters and camera teams have also left. “Now the subject is talked about much less,” says G. He believes that hotel guests want to enjoy their vacation again.

Mallorca vacationers: “We don’t know anything, it doesn’t affect us either”

This image is also confirmed by three young men who a little later pull up in their rental car in front of the glass revolving door of the four-story hotel building. You can see immediately that they are new vacationers: a bit pale and still dressed much too warmly for the current incubator Mallorca. The three are likely to be about the same age as the German vacationers accused of gang rape. They get their big backpacks out of the trunk of their rental car in order to scurry as quickly as possible into the air-conditioned lobby.

Before they arrived, did they find out anything about the alleged gang rape in the very hotel they are now checking into?

“We don’t know anything,” one of the three young men calls out to our reporter. “That doesn’t concern us either,” says another. “Even if it would be really bad if it really happened like that – we behave ourselves here and just want to party.” Then the three of them disappear through the entrance portal into their hotel.

It’s hot on Mallorca – and holidaymakers want to relax on the island and cool off in the pool. Yesterday’s headlines are apparently quickly forgotten.


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