In the Buenos Aires town of Magdalena, a man died after being electrocuted while trying to steal high voltage cables.
According to preliminary information, the subject was with his wife when the events occurred.
The woman informed the authorities what had happened and uniformed officers went to the area, as well as workers from an energy company, to control the overhead wiring.
According to the woman, her husband died after accidentally touching the cable while chasing an iguana.
However, and despite the citizen’s version, the investigations established that āThis would be a new case of attempted theft of power lines, with a fatal outcomeā. This was also deduced because the high tension cables in the area They had been vandalized.
Likewise, it was learned that footprints and another type of cable were found hidden in the undergrowth. The case is a matter of investigation.
Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/hombre-murio-electrocutado-cuando-al-parecer-intentaba-robar-cables-de-alta-tension-rg10