The Venezuelan opposition leader Maria Corina Machado announced this Friday, March 22, 2024, that Corina Yorisphilosopher and university professor, will be the candidate who will represent her in the presidential elections on July 28 to face Nicolás Maduro.

“He is a person of my complete confidence, honorable, who is going to complete this process with the support and confidence of everyone,” said the liberal leader when announcing the name of Yoris, who was a member of the commission that organized the opposition primaries in October 2023 in which Machado swept. “Here we go together. We are a great team.”

“I feel at this moment not only proud, but tremendously committed to the people, to the citizens, to María Corina, to this act of trust, to deposit in me that challenge that she has,” said Yoris, a graduate in Philosophy and Letters, and doctor in History.

Experts agree that María Corina Machado, with 70% acceptance in some surveys, She has high transfer power, which could boost the candidacy of whoever replaces her.

The application period for the elections began on March 21 and closes on Monday, the 25th.

After a kind of ‘razzia’ by the electoral authority, the opposition has only two authorized partisan ballots: that of the MUD, the old alliance replaced by the current Unitary Platform (PUD), and that of Un Nuevo Tiempo (UNT). , by Manuel Rosales, who faced Hugo Chávez in the 2006 presidential election, was in exile in Peru and is now governor of the oil-producing state of Zulia (west).

This translates into just two candidates, which also They can be rejected and would have no opportunity for replacement. Registration is done through a system, to which the opposition also reported this Friday that it had not been able to access.

Maduro’s supporters have gone to the CNE to nominate his name, but he has not yet appeared before the electoral body to formalize his candidacy.

Politicians who call themselves anti-Chavists, but the opposition is labeled as Chavismo collaborators, They were the first to sign up.


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