“Currently, my teams across the country are at risk of upcoming forced disappearences and I myself could be subject to unjustified detention,” said former deputy María Corina Machado, in a letter addressed to 18 countries in America, Europe and Africa, as well as to the high representative of the European Union (EU) for Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell.

The politician, disqualified from holding public office until 2036, insisted that she will fight to achieve “free elections” in July, when the head of state, Nicolás Maduro, will seek his second consecutive re-election.

In his opinion, it is “essential to maximize diplomatic resources” so that the agreements on electoral guarantees signed between the Government and the main anti-Chavista coalition, the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), are “completely fulfilled.”

To this end, he stressed, the support of these countries “is crucial to achieve move forward in a peaceful way“democratic, constitutional and electoral towards an orderly transition towards democracy and freedom”.

The liberal, who proposed the historian Corina Yoris as a presidential candidate in view of the impediment to compete in elections, He assured that this name can be included in the race up to 10 days before the elections, so he hopes that the negotiations will open that path.

Yoris, without political or administrative impediments, could not be registered with the National Electoral Council (CNE), which did accept the candidacy of the diplomat Edmundo González Urrutia, little known in the country, as representatives of the majority opposition.

Machado stressed that the electoral agreement, signed last October, “has been completely violated” by the Governmentand blamed Maduro for imposing “impediments and obstacles” to participate in the July elections.

Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/maria-corina-machado-alerta-que-podria-ser-detenida-en-venezuela-cb20

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