Fance has been under pressure in the last 48 hours after two cases of youth violence were known in different parts of the country. Both cases involve teenagers, arrests of minors and, in the last case, the death of the victim, who was 15 years old.

O President of France, Emmanuel Macron, had already expressed his “solidarity” in relation to the first casewhen a girl aged 13 or 14, identified as Samara, was attacked a few meters from her school, in Montpellier.

The case, which happened on Tuesday, led the Ministry of Education to also guarantee that the circumstances would be investigated, at a time when three minors were detained – but, according to the victim’s mother, there were at least people involved in the attack. Samara was in a coma, but has now improved, despite being “traumatized” with the situation.

The mother also says that her daughter had been a victim of moral harassment for at least a year and a half and that the school had even suspended one of the students involved in the aggression when, last year, she shared photographs of her daughter, appealing to her “was raped”.

The case of an attack is shocking France. The government will investigate what happened and three minors have already been arrested.

News at the Minute | 23:52 – 04/04/2024

“We will be inflexible with any form of violence”, warned Macron, speaking to journalists in Paris. The head of state remained, however, cautious regarding the possible responsibility of the schools in question, saying that the situations took place “outside the schools”. Macron further pointed out that he wanted to protect schools from becoming places of “uninhibited violence among young people.”

Similar to what he did with the Samara case, Macron also expressed “solidarity” and “compassion” with the case of Viry-Châtillonwhere a 15-year-old boy was attacked on Thursday, ending up dying.

In the case of this young man, who has not yet been identified, there were at least three attackers, who wore balaclavas. O Public Ministry declared that it had opened an investigation into attempted murder and group aggression – with “accusations of murder and violence near a school”, explains the French publication Le Figaro.

Attorney Grégoire Dulin added that the young man was “violently attacked by several individuals”having been “found seriously injured by a passerby in a street” near the educational establishment.

Read Also: Another attack at a school in France. 15 year old boy died


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