“QWe want to do in Brussels what we did in Rome: build the center-right also in Europe and send the leftists who caused so much damage to our continent into opposition,” said Meloni during a rally in the Italian capital that marked the end of his campaign. party, Brothers of Italy (right), for the European competitions that will be contested in a week.

In an hour-long speech, the Prime Minister stressed: “We have never governed with the left and we will never govern with the left in Italy or in Europe. And, judging by the reactions, it seems that the goal is not far away.”

In Piazza del Popolo, in Rome, the leader of the Brothers of Italy stated that “Europe must rediscover its role in history, address some important issues and let national states decide what does not need to be centralized”.

“Otherwise, Europe will continue to be a bureaucratic giant and a political dwarf, and we need the opposite,” he said.

The European elections will be “a referendum between two opposing visions”: “On the one hand, an ideological, centralist, nihilist and increasingly technocratic Europe. On the other hand, our Europe, courageous, proud, which does not forget its roots because they define who we are, they help us find our way in the darkness of fear”, he said, quoted by the Spanish news agency EFE.

Meloni defended that he wants to do in Brussels what was done in Rome a year and a half ago, that is, “send the red, green and yellow who have done so much harm to the continent in recent years to the opposition”.

For the Prime Minister, it is still necessary to explain to Italians the importance of the European elections.

“The EU can force us to pay between 50,000 and 70,000 euros out of our pocket or respect national specificities, promoting energy efficiency without unsustainable obligations (…). It can (…) condemn us to new dependencies or continue environmental, economic and social sustainability”, he defended.

Meloni also gave as an example the fact that the EU can “deal with uncontrolled immigration by philosophizing about ineffective relocations” or choose to “control external borders and block exits”.

Around 370 million voters are called to choose the 720 deputies to the European Parliament, in the elections taking place in the 27 Member States of the European Union between June 6th and 9th.

In Portugal, which elects 21 MEPs, the ballot is scheduled for June 9th.

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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2572738/meloni-antecipa-que-europeias-enviarao-esquerdistas-para-oposicao

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