A Prime Minister of Italy, Giorgia Meloni, has already reacted to the explosion that occurred this Tuesday at a hydroelectric plant in a dam in the Bologna area, expressing her “solidarity” with all the victims and families.

“It is with apprehension that I follow the terrible news about the explosion that occurred at a hydroelectric plant in the Suviana dam, in the Bolognese Apennines”started by writing in a publication published on the social network X (formerly Twitter).

“All my solidarity and that of the Government with the families of the victims and the injured involved. My thanks to the firefighters who intervened promptly, the rescue teams and all those who are working in these hours to search for the missing”, he added .

It should be noted that, according to the most recent report from the Bologna municipality, there are at least four dead and three missing. Five people, all workers, were injured, while three others escaped unharmed.

The explosion was caused by a fire in a generator at the hydroelectric plant in the municipality of Camugnano, in the Suviana basin.

There are several searches underway, described as quite complicated, as the facilities were submerged by water, which should also complicate investigations to find out exactly what happened.

Marco Masinara, mayor of Camugnano, said that when the incident occurred, work was taking place on the turbines and there were personnel inside the facilities.

The incident happened below the water level. Bologna fire department source explained that the fire occurred on floor -9, where the transformers are located. “We will need testimony from people who were at the scene. The facilities are now flooded, according to the first information we have,” added the source.

The explosion occurred around 3:00 pm (2:00 pm in mainland Portugal).

The plant is managed by the energy group Enel.

Read Also: Dam explosion in Italy leaves several dead and missing

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2537302/meloni-acompanha-terriveis-noticias-apos-explosao-em-barragem

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